Commitment-phobic girlfriend

• A commitment phobic girlfriend may avoid making plans for the future.

You might be excited to plan that weekend getaway or romantic dinner, but your girlfriend seems hesitant. In fact, she outright avoids talking about anything beyond next week. This could be a sign of her fear of committing to something long-term with you.

• She might express doubts or reservations about the relationship when pressed to make a long-term commitment.

When you bring up the topic of taking things to the next level, like moving in together or getting married someday, your girlfriend’s response is less than enthusiastic. Instead of seeing stars and hearts in her eyes, she expresses doubt and hesitation – which can feel like a punch in the gut if you’re already picturing yourselves growing old together on rocking chairs.

• Your girlfriend might have difficulty expressing her feelings and emotions, which can be frustrating if you’re looking for emotional intimacy.

Sometimes it feels like pulling teeth just trying to get your girl to open up emotionally. You want nothing more than for her to let down those walls so that you two can connect on a deeper level. But alas! Every time you try broaching sensitive topics such as past relationships or insecurities, she clams up tighter than an oyster shell at low tide!

• She could also seem distant or emotionally unavailable at times, leaving you feeling unsure of where things stand between you two.

One day everything is sunshine and rainbows; then suddenly your partner goes MIA without any explanation whatsoever! It’s almost like they’ve ghosted their own relationship! If this sounds familiar then there’s a possibility that your significant other has some serious issues around trust and vulnerability that need addressing before any progress towards greater commitment can happen

• If your girlfriend is truly commitment-phobic, she may even break up with you rather than face the prospect of settling down in a serious relationship.

If push comes to shove (or put another way: “if the rubber meets the road”), your girlfriend may decide that it’s time to cut her losses and hit the eject button on your relationship. This can be a tough pill to swallow, but sometimes you just have to accept that some people are not ready for commitment – especially if they’re still figuring out what they want in life.

• Your girlfriend may have a history of short-term relationships or flings, which could be indicative of her fear of commitment.

If every guy she’s dated before has ended up being “just another notch on her bedpost,” then there might be something deeper going on here than simply bad luck with men! A pattern like this suggests an ingrained habit of avoiding long-term romantic commitments.

• She might also avoid introducing you to friends and family, as this can feel like a step towards greater commitment.

You’ve been dating for months now (maybe even years), yet you’ve never met any members of her inner circle beyond casual acquaintances at best. It’s almost like she doesn’t want anyone else getting too close because it would mean acknowledging how serious things really are between you two!

• If your girlfriend has been hurt in the past by someone who was not committed to the relationship, she may be more hesitant to commit herself.

It only takes one heartbreak from someone who didn’t take their promises seriously enough – or worse: broke them altogether –to make us all gun-shy when it comes down committing ourselves again anytime soon. So don’t blame yourself entirely if your partner is acting skittish around making big plans together; chances are good there’s some leftover trauma lurking beneath those pretty eyes!

• It’s possible that your girlfriend is simply not ready for a serious relationship at this point in her life, regardless of how much she cares about you.

Sometimes we meet amazing people who check off every box on our “perfect match” list… except maybe one crucial item: timing. It could be that your girlfriend is simply not ready to settle down and commit herself fully to a relationship at this point in her life – no matter how much you two care about each other.

• Ultimately, it’s up to you whether or not you’re willing to continue dating someone who struggles with commitment.

At the end of the day, only YOU can decide what works best for YOURSELF when it comes down committing yourself emotionally (and otherwise) in relationships! So don’t let anyone else pressure or guilt-trip into staying if deep down inside all signs are pointing towards an inevitable breakup anyway…

P.S. You should check out these commitment phobia books at Amazon. (affiliate link)

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